When is it Time to Outsource Adwords?
If you run pay per click ads on Google, at some point you may have asked yourself, is it time to outsource Adwords to one of the PPC firms and rid yourself of the hassle. Pay per click management is exacting, and it can be hard to optimize to get the most out of your money. On the other hand, giving control to someone you may not know is hard as well.
Keeping It In House
Choosing not to outsource Adwords is of course a valid decision. If you have the time, skill and motivation to run your own pay per click campaign, then by all means do so. Just remember to keep up with Google’s updates. Also, as a bit of advice, look twice at the many automated “suggestions” Adwords throws your way.
Choosing to Outsource Adwords
There are many reasons to look to outside help when working with Adwords. For a small company, just the time involved in managing an account can be counter productive, as your time might be better spent managing production or sales. Adwords is not always clear about what works best, and a small company can spend a crippling amount of money for little return if mistakes are made.
In larger companies, the reasons to look elsewhere for help are similar. Properly handling digital marketing could require a full time position to get the skills needed. For many companies, the size and return on PPC may not justify a new hire; however, contracting a firm can be much less expensive. A part time employee, or splitting the time of an existing one may also solve the need – but again, you may not be able to get the skill level you need from a new part-timer or from an existing employee. And while spending overruns may not be as crippling in a larger company, they can still cost a manager their job.
Loss of time, lack of knowledge, rising expenses…once enough of these factors line up, outsourcing begins to make sense – and possibly dollars as well.
Making the Move
Choosing a company to manage your Adwords campaign is not something to be done lightly. There are many firms available with many different styles and approaches to the work needed. Take your time and do the research to find the one that will match your business model and culture. Here at PPCmanagement.com, a division of That Company, we will be happy to show you how we work and examples of our successes. We want help you outsource Adwords and make some money.