A Professional Solution to Pay Per Click Management
As professionals in pay per click management, we may be a bit biased towards a professional solution to managing a PPC account. But today we are talking about the very basics of what you need to do to get off the ground in PPC. These include setting up an account with Google, finding keywords that will work, and finally writing ads. These basics can get you going.
So you have decided to advertise on Google. The first thing you need to do is set up an account. If you already have Gmail, you are good to go, unless you want to set up a separate account for business reasons. From there, go to adwords.google.com, and a guided set up will get you started.
Setting Up Your Account
One of the first important questions you will need to answer is, what is your budget? This is very important, as Google will spend as much of this budget as it can, and sometimes just a little bit more. This can happen, for instance, when running multiple ads as your budget runs out. Once you have set your budget, put in payment information and other administrative details, it is time to move on to keywords, the core of Adwords.
At the Core: Keywords
A great deal of your success in pay per click management will depend on your choice of keywords. The keywords are search terms for which you want Google to show your ads. For instance, if you picked “lawns” as a keyword looking to sell grass seed, you might get some of the right traffic, but would most likely also get people looking for lawn services, lawn furniture and other stuff. The more specific you can be with your choice of keywords the better. Google does have some tools to help you, but please remember, they are in the business of selling clicks, not getting you customers.
Pay Per Click Management of Your Ads
With proper keywords determining where they will be shown, the next most important thing is the ads themselves. There are some strict rules for building ads for Google. You only have a limited amount of space to get your message out – namely, three lines, a heading and two body lines. You then can show a simplified URL to send people to more specific pages. Read the Google rules carefully and then constantly test new ads in rotation to find the ones that work for you.
Fully optimizing a PPC account is a lot of work, and there is a lot to know to do it right. Many companies chose to outsource PPC management to specialized PPC firms to make sure they can get the most out of their advertising budget. If you need help with pay per click management, That Company and PPCmanagement.com are here for you.